I’ve got to admit, there’s nothing quite like raw cookie dough. Taking me back to my childhood of making cookies with my mom and then licking the bowl clean, there’s something so nostalgic about it [and tasty!] that I just can’t ever seem to get enough. With that said, I can’t tell you the last time I actually ate the good, old-fashioned stuff, since I no longer eat butter, white flour, white sugar and/or raw eggs.
However, I have discovered quite a few recipes for making my own “raw” cookie dough, all of which are much healthier, and really do taste great! There are those times though that I just don’t feel like making [anything], or that I don’t have the ingredients. For those instances, and the fact that I think they are amazingly delicious, Raw Balls by Simply Dara™ have become a new household must!
THE PRODUCT: Simply Dara™ is a family owned and operated company in Boulder, CO. What began as a curious, young preschooler questioning her mother (Dara) about the food she was eating – “Mommy, is this a killed thing?” “Mommy, where did this come from?” – led Dara on a journey of discovery and made her begin to rethink her families’ entire food lifestyle.
Experimenting with various raw snack recipes and then adding her own flair to them, Raw Balls soon became a family favorite. Everyone else loved them too and quickly convinced Dara that she should start selling them. Four months later, Simply Dara™ was born.
A tree nut based product with a taste and texture like cookie dough, these nutrient-dense treats contain over 90% truly raw ingredients and are available in four delicious flavors, including: Apricot Oat, Cranberry Almond, Dark Chocolate Chile, and Original Cacao.
Raw Balls even come in 100% Sustainable Packaging: each “ball” is individually wrapped in compostable wrappers, which come in retail boxes that are made from recyclable paperboard and that are printed in a zero-waste facility using vegetable ink.
NUTRITION-WISE: At Raw Balls, eating foods that have not been cooked come down to more than just the taste, or to help feed a fad. There truly is a science behind their foods.
Generally speaking, “raw” means that foods haven’t been heated to above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. As opposed to many cooked foods, these still have the natural enzymes that help break them down and improve digestion. Since digestion is one of our bodies most energy draining activities, less energy spent on digestion frees up more energy to be used on cleansing and recovery. This is the reason you hear of people having more energy when they eat raw foods.
Another reason eating certain foods in their raw state are beneficial is because cooking can reduce the amount of nutrients, as well as the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients, that are found in certain foods. Vitamins B and C are two of these. Unfortunately, the same can be said for roasting nuts, as it also reduces the availability and absorbability [of protein], which is why Raw Balls only contain raw nuts (even though roasted nuts are pretty darn delicious!).
Besides containing over 90% of raw ingredients, Raw Balls are also Non-GMO Project Verified, are Certified Organic (on 3 of their flavors, with the 4th flavor set to becoming officially certified this June), and do not contain any refined sugars, additives, preservatives or oils. They are also Gluten-free, Peanut-free, Soy-free and Vegan.
Moreover, the use of specific ingredients in Raw Balls also carries certain purposes. For example, their use of agave nectar (as a sweetener), has been used since it is organic, raw, and has a relatively low Glycemic Index (GI), particularly when compared to other sweeteners, and does not cause the “sugar rush” associated with refined sugars. Furthermore, it doesn’t stimulate digestive insulin secretion as other sugars do.
Their benefits of using cacao also contains a long list of benefits (which unlike processed dark chocolate, the antioxidants are preserved), including: much higher levels of the famous chocolate antioxidants (oligomeric procynanidins, resveratrol and the polyphenols: catechin and epicatechin) as well as the preservation of vitamin C, phenethylamine (PEA, the feel good neurotransmitter responsible for the feeling of love), Omega 6 fatty acids (which when heated become rancid and cause inflammation), tryptophan (a commonly deficient amino acid in those who consume a diet of mostly cooked food) and serotonin.
Cacao is also the highest whole food source of magnesium, which happens to be the most deficient mineral in the diet of modern cultures. Magnesium relaxes muscles, improves peristalsis in the bowels and relaxes the heart and cardiovascular system. The dark chocolate antioxidants have been clinically proven to literally dissolve plaque built up in the arteries, helping to reverse heart disease and to naturally lower blood pressure. Other vitamins and minerals in raw cacao are also known to benefit the cardiovascular system.
Coming in at around 70-80 calories, 35-50 of which are from healthy fats, you will also find around 1-2 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein and 4-5 grams of sugar per ball.
*Filled with good-for-you ingredients and relatively low in sugar, especially compared to the majority of treats, Raw Balls are great for Moms, Moms-to-be, and Toddlers 2 years+. And while younger children are sure to handle these treats just fine, I prefer not to expose my littles to treats when they are so young due to their inability to distinguish between a healthy treat and one that isn’t, and therefore craving them all!
WHERE TO BUY: Simply Dara’s Raw Balls can be purchased directly through their website, or to find the retail location nearest you, please visit their Store Locator.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Who doesn’t enjoy eating foods that were once childhood favorites, especially when those foods are as delicious as raw cookies are?! Well, thanks to Simply Dara™ and their line of Raw Balls, you can enjoy the tastes of your childhood without all of the guilt of eating something that really is not very healthy.
In fact, Raw Balls are filled with tons of good-for-you ingredients and nutritional facts, including protein, fiber and healthy fats. They also contain relatively little sugar, especially compared to what we inevitably used to eat! Plus, they are available in 4 flavors, all of which are outstanding and are sure to appease any craving that you may have for a rich and decadent treat.
I’m happy to have discovered Simply Dara’s Raw Balls and hope that you will give them a chance as well! Just be aware, they are addicting!
Try any or all of Simply Dara’s Raw Balls today and see for yourself how amazingly delicious healthy “cookie dough” can be.
To learn more about Simply Dara’s Raw Balls and to try them out for yourself, please visit their website and check them out on Facebook.
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