Rediscovering this Ancient Power Food and Serving it Up for Breakfast
Looking for a new take on oatmeal, or a healthier way to satisfy your chocolate craving? Then you’ve got to check out the products by Purely Pinole! Haven’t heard of pinole before?! Then you’ve got to keep reading!
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For Moms, Moms-To-Be and Toddlers 1 Year+*
Revered for centuries for its power to fuel endurance and provide energy, pinole (pih-nole) is a secret recipe created by the Aztecs and passed down through generations. Made using roasted purple maize (aka, corn) and a variety of spices, pinole was traditionally eaten as a hot, filling porridge, and is still made today in some rural parts of Latin America.
Purely Pinole is the first premium pinole product ever to be made available in the US! Brought to you by Native State Foods, Purely Pinole is chock full of vitamins and minerals, protein, fiber and powerful antioxidants. In fact, pinole has been fueling warriors, adventurists, endurance runners, and explorers for centuries. It is even famously known because of “the running people” who were featured in the New York Times bestseller Born To Run, since they used pinole to run 100’s of miles between villages.
Quick facts about Pinole:
- Made the traditional way, the maize is slow-roasted for hours in an adobe oven over a wood burning fire. This unlocks its delicious flavor.
- Pure cacao beans are roasted alongside the maize during this process for additional flavor.
- After roasting and smoking, the maize is ground by hand with a stone and pestle into a textured meal.
- Next, delicious spices such as cinnamon and all spice are added, along with a touch of sweetener.
- Conventionally, it would be combined with fresh milk and cooked slowly over the open fire for a thick, wholesome, deliciously filling porridge.

At Purely Pinole, they make pinole the traditional way, to help ensure you have the balanced nutrition and wholesome energy you need to take on your day. With twice the age-fighting, healing antioxidants of blueberries and nearly 40 grams of whole grains per serving, Purely Pinole promotes overall health and vitality.
It is also high in protein (to build muscles and keep you full) and high in fiber (to aid digestion and metabolism). Plus, it is low in sugar, although it still tastes sweet, so you can satisfy your cravings without compromising your waistline.
In fact, one ½ cup serving contains 190 calories, 25 of which come from healthy fats, along with 7 grams of both protein and fiber, and only 4 grams of sugars. Purely Pinole foods are also dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, non-GMO and plant-based.
*With a soft and chewable consistency, and lots of healthy nutrients and antioxidants to boot, Purely Pinole’s hot cereal mix is great for kids and adults alike! In fact, even toddlers as young as 1-year can enjoy these products worry free (as long as you keep an eye on them while eating so they don’t choke it down).
It all began as a childhood memory – a longing for a comforting hearty breakfast that Claudio remembered enjoying during the summers he spent with family in Latin America; a delicious and nutrient packed food the locals called pinole.
At the time, Claudio and Angela were living in the middle of New York City and running the wrong race. Too many hours worked and little time to play or live the active lifestyle they both felt passionately about. Plus, they were making poor food choices and wondering why food wasn’t more like it used to be – before it came in frozen squares made for the microwave.
So, they decided to leave New York on a journey to find pinole and share its healthy goodness with the world.
It took nearly a year and 1900 miles of scouring markets and rural villages throughout Central America, but finally, it was found. Made the way it has been prepared for hundreds of years and built with the very best ingredients, Purely Pinole was born.
From hot cereals to snacks on-the-go, they are the first to bring you pinole-based products – made just for you with only simple, wholesome ingredients – the way food should be. Their hope is to inspire you. To provide the energy and nutrition to power your next adventure. And to enable you to discover more, live better, and play harder. “So go. Be you.”
~Angela & Claudio
Purely Pinole products are available via their Online Store, or check out their Store Locator to find the retail location that carries them nearest you.
At Native State Foods, they believe where your food comes from matters. They are on a mission to create healthy, delicious products that are better for you – and the planet. To do this, they bring you Purely Pinole: an ancient power food created by the Aztecs and Mayans. Enjoyed for centuries throughout Central and South America but nearly lost today, they are the first to introduce pinole to the U.S. – the way it was hundreds of years ago – packed with premium nutrients and energy sustaining power.
And with this said, I couldn’t agree more! It’s not always easy finding a good, healthy and hearty breakfast food – especially if you’re tired of the typical oatmeal and smoothies that seem to be on constant rotation for many of us. In fact, Purely Pinole can be eaten like either – as a hot cereal or in a cold smoothie – or even mixed up in numerous snacks and baked goods. Personally, I really like adding it to my Chia Pudding (check out my recipe, coming soon…), but hey, the options are pretty much endless!
Purely Pinole also recently came out with multiple flavors for their on-the-go cups, which are super convenient – for both you and your kiddos – when trying to run out of the house. They can also be mixed with or into multiple foods, so the options here are pretty great too!
Are you looking for a different [healthier] take on your traditional breakfast foods? Then you’ve got to try Purely Pinole! Because it’s those small steps that make healthy living a lifestyle – so why not take one today?!
For more information about Purely Pinole, please visit their website and check them out on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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