Even if your pregnancy is going relatively smoothly, nasty symptoms, like fatigue, migraines, morning sickness, and back pain are unavoidable. While it’s completely normal to have these symptoms, all of which are caused by the ongoing changes in your body, it doesn’t mean they are easy to deal with. And it doesn’t mean that you have to suffer.
Lower back pain during pregnancy is one of the most common issues expecting women face. While it usually starts during the second month of being pregnant, you can experience it earlier in the first trimester as well – even as early as the 4th week of pregnancy. It’s an entirely typical symptom, caused by ligaments in your body that naturally become softer and stretchier – all to help prepare for that growing bump. However, this puts a strain on your lower back and pelvic joints, making you experience lower back pain – which can be a dull ache or a sharp, burning sensation.
While most pregnant women get pregnancy back pain, you need to contact your doctor if it’s too severe or lasts more than two weeks. Also, if you experience cramps that occur at regular intervals and gradually intensify, you need to see your obstetrician as soon as possible.
However, if the pain is mild, there’s nothing to worry about – you can most likely deal with it at home. You can take Tylenol if your doctor or midwife allows it. There are more natural ways, though. Read on to learn the best-working tips to deal with pregnancy back pain at home.
Use Special Devices
While the rest of the tips require some effort on your side, there are some straightforward ways to relieve back pain during pregnancy. We live in the era of technology – and, naturally, the world has already invented some technical remedies for pregnant women. Massage guns, for example.
A massage gun – or a percussion massager – is a device that sends rapid bursts of pressure into the muscle tissue. It’s pretty easy to use, it’s more convenient than a regular massage, and it’s pretty affordable. However, you have to be extremely careful when using message guns during pregnancy and always ask for your doctor’s approval beforehand. Then, of course, it’s best to read some reviews before buying one so you can find the best massage guns out there.
A maternity support band is another must-have device for a pregnant woman. It will help support your loosened ligaments and muscles and will make you feel better.
Be Active
It can be pretty hard to work out when you have back pain, but some gentle exercises can help strengthen your stomach muscles and ease back pain. If the pain is nasty, and you can’t even think about exercising – go walking or swimming (if you can). Riding a bike is another excellent option for relieving pain and making your muscles more strengthened and flexible. It’s also low-impact, which means that it’s safe for the baby too. Stationary bikes are best here though, so you don’t have as high a chance of injury.
Prenatal yoga can also be of great help – it strengthens your core and helps you breathe correctly, which is essential when dealing with pain.
Get a Massage
You can also get a massage in person if you can – it can be an excellent relief for pregnancy back pain. Look for massage therapists that are experienced with treating pregnant women – it’ll be the safest option. Make sure you check out these coupons for better deals! You can even ask your partner or friend for a massage or get a foam roller to loosen your legs – but remember to be careful.
If a massage therapist is not your option, try looking for a chiropractor in the area. They use a range of techniques to relieve back pain, and if you find someone experienced in treating pregnant patients, you won’t be disappointed. They can also give you advice on the best exercises for your state, which will be very helpful, as well.
Think About Your Posture
Pregnancy is the perfect time to get rid of those heels – simply because they can alter your posture and make you experience back pain during pregnancy. Opt for comfortable flats or tennis shoes instead, and make sure they have enough cushioning and arch support.
Another way to fix your posture and make the back pain go away is simply standing up straight. Make sure to remember to keep a straight posture during the day, ask your partner to remind you about it, and, to practice, do a simple exercise: sit up straight in a chair, pull your shoulders back, squeeze the shoulder blades together, and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this motion a few times. It may seem easy, but as the pregnancy progresses, it can become pretty difficult. However, taking care of your posture will definitely help with the pain.
A Final Note
Lower back pain is one of the symptoms that can make pregnancy challenging. However, it’s completely normal, and if it’s not severe, you can deal with it at home. Using special devices, doing low-impact exercises, and getting a massage are some of the most effective solutions. You can also consider getting a postpartum belly binder for exercise recommended by your healthcare provider. Pregnancy belly wraps or binders offer support and relief to the user’s pelvic and abdominal area, helping alleviate back pain. You’ll also benefit from taking care of your posture, as it allows you to distribute pressure evenly on the body.
Of course, asking someone knowledgeable in pregnancy, such as your doctor or an exercise instructor – such as myself – is super important too, since every pregnancy is different. Also, if the pain is severe or seems unnatural, don’t hesitate to contact your obstetrician. After all, your and your baby’s health should be of the utmost importance.