Word games have become some of the most popular games in the entire world. There is an almost infinite number of word games, though some are obviously more fun than others. Word games have taken the world by storm during the lockdown imposed upon us by our governments to combat the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic. Because many of us have been forced indoors, we have had very little to do other than play word games, or do other similar games and indoor activities. You can even earn some money whilst playing if you look for free games real money, which can be a real bonus! Fortunately, however, playing word games is a very healthy thing to do since they challenge your brain and help to make you more intelligent. They also help the hours to go by quickly, so on days when you are locked indoors, they won’t seem as long.
Here I’ve included 6 of the most popular word games that there are for you to play. If you are interested in getting into word games too, then this is the article for you; the six recommended here will all be fun and a great way for you to spend your time. Word games boost intelligence, so if you are not a fan of reading but want to reap the reward from improving your vocabulary, then word games could be your thing!
Here are 6 fun word games that you can play.
Scrabble is a game that was first introduced in 1931. The game has become, without a doubt, one of the most popular board games in the entire world. They say that around 30,000 Scrabble games commence every hour. It is a game that, if every piece in the world was laid out, would be 83 times the length of the United Kingdom. Scrabble is definitely a fun game which is undoubtedly why it is so popular.
If you struggle at Scrabble, however, there is a solution, though an underhanded one. You can use anagram decoder websites for fast word unscrambler services or to unscramble letters and create words, which can, in turn, help you to dominate on the Scrabble board. This should be a last resort, though. Cheating is never admirable. If you cannot trump your opponent in Scrabble and you have been left with no choice though, it’s a great way to up your skills. What happens on the Scrabble board stays on the Scrabble board.
Boggle is a game that is not entirely dissimilar from Scrabble. The game, essentially, requires you to form words from a collection of letters that are next to each other in squares. Boggle is a lot of fun and is also enjoyed by millions of people across the world. In fact, Boggle is one of Scrabble’s top competitors when it comes to board games. If you are a fan of complex word games, then Boggle could definitely be the right game for you. It is fun, engaging, and a great way to spend an afternoon; and it is a great gift, too!
Hangman is a game that most school-aged children are well aware of. The game essentially requires you to draw several letter lines on a board. On top of these lines will go letters that other players guess. The person by the board will, in their head, come up with a word. It is the job of the players to guess the word through a process of elimination. Generally, people tend to go through the entire alphabet to find the word. Once enough letters have appeared on the line, then you should be able to make an educated guess as to what the word might be.
However, if you do not guess correctly, a gallows component is drawn. As you guess wrong again and again, the noose is drawn, and then also the stickman who is being hung. If the hangman draws the gallows and stickman before you guess the word, then they have won and you have lost. If you guess the word before they get to complete the drawing, then you have won the game. Hangman is a lot of fun and it is a great game to play with children and adults alike.
Wordscapes is an online game that requires you to guess words. It is a game that can boost intelligence and improve your IQ – as well as your cognitive reasoning skills. Wordscapes has become one of the most popular online word games, outside of digital Scrabble. It is free to play and can be played by anyone of reading age. If you are into word games then you should definitely give Wordscapes a try – the game is very fun and a great way to improve your intelligence and grasp of the English language.
Upwords is another word game – with both a board and online version. The idea is to build lines of words from letters, similar to Scrabble. The game is a lot of fun and engaging too. If you are into guessing games and word games then you should look into Upwords. It is surprising that more people do not play this game, considering how fun it is. I personally hadn’t even heard of it until recently! Upwords is a game for anybody of any age – so be sure to give it a go if you are looking for some fun word games for you and your friends or family to play.
Bananagrams is another anagram guessing game. It is a popular game enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. If you are into anagram guessing games, then Bananagrams is a game for you to check out. It retails for around $15. It can be very complicated and competitive, so be sure to prepare before you attend a match!
Word games are a great way to boost your IQ and intelligence with the ones listed here being some of the most popular games from all over the world. Especially during the colder months or during quarantine, they are definitely worth looking into!
So, tell me, which game listed above is your favorite? Why did you choose that one?