There have been many studies that aim at finding the connection between a variety of areas that can affect health. For women, studies have discovered that some of their simplest habits can have a huge effect on their health.
One of the things that have a great effect on women’s health in more ways than one is fashion. Clothes, accessories, and shoes can have positive or negative effects depending on their material, design, and size.
There is more to a health plan than healthy food and exercise, but choosing the right fashion items also plays a big part in staying healthy. These tips will help you understand the effects of fashion on women’s health, and learn what to avoid to maintain a happy, healthy life.
Size is Just a Number
Back in the 90s, what was considered a perfect size was a size six. As years went by, the “perfect size” kept decreasing in number; a size 6 became 4, and 4 became 2, and then a zero. These numbers are nothing but myths that some people decided were the measure of how “pretty” a woman is. These meaningless numbers do not define beauty. Women worry more and more about the size they choose to wear and feel pressured to get the smallest size they can force to feel good about themselves. This is wrong on so many levels, because each woman has her own body shape, and should be able to comfortably choose the size that fits her in a way that shows how beautiful she is. When women get sizes that do not fit well, this affects their body image and therefore has negative impacts on their psychological state, and may lead to depression and other disorders.
Comfort and Elegance Go Together
There is another myth that says elegance is more important than comfort, and that comfortable clothes are not fashionable enough. Studies have shown that uncomfortable clothes have negative impacts on women’s spines, their lungs, and their breathing. Women need to wear things that help their bodies breathe and move freely. Comfortable cotton dresses and shirts look fabulous and allow women to comfortably go on with their day, without straining their backs or causing any discomfort with breathing. Pants come in different shapes and styles too, but be careful of the ones that are too tight, especially if they are made of tough, inflexible fabrics. These tight pants are especially harmful to the lower back.
Your Feet Need Peace
We can’t deny how elegant high heels look. They look gorgeous and make a woman look and feel taller. It is also undeniable that they kill women’s feet. High heels are extremely uncomfortable as well as unhealthy. Studies have shown that wearing high heels too often weakens the foot joints and the heel, and may lead to abnormalities in the foot bones. They can lead to women losing balance when wearing regular shoes without heels. Furthermore, they can put a lot of pressure on the toes and the bones below the toes that can lead to even more health issues. Our feet are what keeps us on the ground and basically carry us, so they are not to be mistreated.
Wear Things that Make You Happy
There is a strong connection between clothes, colors, and mental health. Wearing brighter colors, or colors that put you in a good mood makes a huge difference in your psychological well-being. Also, people tend to associate objects with memories; the outfit they wore on the day they aced a test, for example, is always associated with this good memory. Sometimes people are not aware of this connection, other times they are. Sometimes we remember why we associate certain outfits with a good or bad memory, other times we don’t recall the exact memory but get vibes off certain outfits. Wear things that give you good vibes and make you feel good.
Staying healthy and making sure you take good care of yourself is what matters the most. Women need to understand that they are beautiful in whatever shape or size they are in, as long as they feel healthy and well. The size of your clothes is perfect when it fits you well. When you feel good about yourself, everything else falls in the right place. And the best way to stay healthy is to know that you are a queen no matter what.