Being a stay-at-home mom is a demanding job. The routine of waking up early and getting the family set for the day can take a lot out of you, especially if you have to combine mom duties with work. At the end of a busy day, you are most likely tired from chasing your kids and doing other activities that you don’t have the energy to engage in a structured exercise routine.
As a stay-at-home mom who wants to work out effectively, you have to figure out a system of squeezing regular workouts into your daily routine no matter how busy you get. Here we examine 5 tips to help moms practice effective workouts from home:
Exercise Early in the Morning
Many things are craving your attention as a stay-at-home mom on any given day. Your kids, partner, and work may need attention, and if you are the typical busy mom, it may not be easy to find the perfect workout time. However, starting your day with your workout routine helps you avoid the distractions and interruptions that may occur at other times of the day. In addition, working out in the morning also has the following benefits:
Increased Alertness
Working out early keeps you alert by matching your body’s hormonal movements. Cortisol (a hormone that regulates alertness) peaks in the morning in a normal circadian rhythm, so choosing to do your workouts at this time improves your performance.
Increased Energy
Your energy levels are also at their highest in the mornings, and exercising at this time sets you up for a productive day.
Improved Focus
Physical exercise helps you focus; moms who have trouble concentrating during the day may find a morning workout routine helpful. Morning exercises improve attention, decision making, and mood; they equip you to handle whatever your day throws at you.
Help Weight Loss
If you want to shed some baby fat or just want to keep trim, early workouts may also be your best bet. Research shows that exercising before breakfast helps burn more fat than at any other time of the day. Studies also suggest that morning exercises may effectively regulate appetite for weight loss.
Don’t Do It Alone
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with others” is a famous saying that applies in more ways than one to exercising from home moms. Exercising can be challenging when you are just starting, and you could be tempted to quit at any time. However, it is easier to find the will to exercise if you have a regular exercise partner.
You can also follow a fit moms’ group online for motivation and inspiration. On days when you are down and cannot find the strength to work out, the activities of others online may serve as helpful motivation to get you up and running.
You can also invite other moms to your home for workout sessions if you have the space. There is probably no better motivation than seeing moms like you who deal with the same challenges getting up and working out. You may need to invest in home workout equipment like mats, resistance bands, trainers, and treadmills. Besides keeping you accountable, training with other moms also helps you forge stronger bonds and stay updated on the latest neighborhood gossip.
If you invite moms regularly to your home for workout sessions, another thing you need to consider getting is personal liability insurance. Injuries may happen on your property for which you can be liable, and having insurance cover gives you one less reason to worry.
Start Small
If you do an online search for workout routines for moms, you’ll find an overwhelming number of options, and it may be challenging to decide where to start. Begin with simple exercises and gradually move to more complex ones as you become more comfortable.
Something is always better than nothing, and simple exercises moms can start with include:
- Walking or jogging a few miles on your treadmill
- Stationary biking
- Power yoga or Vinyasa
- Working in your yard (lawn mowing, gardening, and weeding) might also be a valuable exercise for beginners
It would also help to monitor your progress as you begin these simple workout sessions. Tracking your progress gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivates you to do more. Even on the days you don’t feel motivated, keeping track of your progress gives you an idea of how far you have come.
A simple way to monitor your progress is to keep a journal or use a monthly calendar with boxes to document your daily workout activities.
Go Easy on Yourself
There will be days when you can’t get any exercise done, which is okay. Being a mom is not the easiest job in the world, by any stretch, and you will be overwhelmed sometimes. Beating yourself up when that happens is not the solution. You should understand that your workouts are not a competition, and there is no shame in failing to meet your exercise goals on some days. Taking a break from all of it for a while may even be the boost you require to return stronger.
Know Why You Need to Exercise
Having a strong reason to work out as a stay-at-home mom can fuel your will to exercise. Are you trying to burn calories or want to fit into a trim pair of jeans? Regular exercise offers other benefits to stay at home moms:
- It helps fight depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders
- It helps fight insomnia and improves sleep quality
- Improved cognitive function and reduced risk of cognitive decline
- Reduced risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
Final Words
Being a mom is a fulfilling but demanding job, and you need to be in the best shape physically and mentally to be effective. Stay-at-home moms can enrich their experience by devising a workout routine. Staying in the best shape doesn’t mean you have to disrupt your life, so you should be sure that your exercises are helping you be a better mom and not the other way round.