Jogging is a fantastic way to improve your cardiovascular health. If you tend to lead a stagnant life, but want to change that, then jogging is a good exercise to get you started in the right direction!
If you are going to take up jogging, it is important to also eat healthily, drink lots of water, and get enough sleep. If you don’t also do these things, then the gains that you will derive from jogging will be limited.
This article will tell you an additional nine things that you need to consider if you want to start jogging regularly.
Appropriate Clothing
Before you can get outdoors and go for a jog, you need to invest in the right clothing. The style of clothing that you buy depends on the climate and weather where you live. If it is very cold and damp, then you will want to invest in a heavy cotton running suit. If on the other hand, it is very hot, then you will want to wear shorts or a tighter, synthetic running suit. Your first experience while jogging needs to be a good one. If you aren’t properly dressed, then it won’t be.
Running Shoes
In addition to wearing the right clothes, you also need to make sure that you have proper running shoes. Finding a pair of running shoes for beginners shouldn’t be difficult. Make sure that you try on your pair of running shoes before you buy them, so you can assess how comfortable they are. Buying a pair of running shoes without trying them on isn’t a good idea, especially if the retailer doesn’t have a returns policy. An uncomfortable pair of running shoes can leave you with blisters and sore feet, making running miserable if not impossible.
Quality Tech
You might also want to consider investing in a smartwatch. Smartwatches tell you your heart rate, blood pressure, and sometimes bloody oxygen levels. All of these stats can help you to determine how healthy – or unhealthy – you are. In addition, many of these watches will also have built-in GPS trackers and maps, which are perfect if you jog without a fixed route but live in a built-up area. If you plan to jog freely, then use your watch’s map to get you back to your house or the area that you live in. The downside to these watches is their cost.
Route Planning
While on the subject of route planning, it is definitely a good idea to plan your route before you set out jogging. If you live in a large city or town, jogging without a route already planned can be dangerous; you could end up in a part of town that isn’t safe. It is especially dangerous if you go jogging at night. If you are not going to invest in a watch, then you can plan your route with a map and a pen, although this is very old-school. You may also want to walk the route several times in order to familiarize yourself with it, so that when you go out running, you don’t have to keep stopping to check your map.
Proper Posture
When running, you need to maintain proper posture. If you allow your posture to slack, then you could actually injure yourself or pull a muscle. At the very least, you will be very sore when you wake up the next day. The perfect jogging posture is a slight forward lean. Lean forward on your ankles, while keeping your core strong. To perfect this stance, you need to work on your ankle flexibility. There are other running styles, but most experts agree that this is the best.
Static Stretching
Before you set out and start running, perform static stretches. Stretches are very important, as they warm your muscles up. If you don’t loosen your muscles through stretching, when you go out running you will pull one or injure them. Stretching will prevent you from injuring yourself, which in turn will allow you to run for longer, and for more days consecutively. If are frequently sore or regularly injure your muscles, then you will have to take more rest days.
You should never go out running when you are dehydrated. If you do, you will injure yourself, or make yourself physically sick. Most experts recommend drinking quite a bit the hour before going out running and bringing a water bottle along with you. Healthcare specialists say that the average male adult needs three liters of water a day, while women need two liters a day. I personally believe the best way to figure out how much water you need is to drink half your body weight in ounces.
A very large percentage of the American population is severely dehydrated on a daily basis, so be sure to drink enough so that you aren’t dehydrated. Being dehydrated can seriously impact your daily exercises, making them hard to sustain.
Eating Times
You need to time your meals. If you eat before running, then you could get a stitch, which could bring your run to an end. Make sure that you don’t eat in the hour leading up to your jog. When you finish your jog, relax for thirty minutes or so, and then eat. You need to carefully arrange a meal plan and stick to it. Eating is very important after a jog so that your muscles can heal. If you eat too soon – or too early – then you could injure yourself. As already mentioned, make sure that you eat healthily. Eating a bowl of ice cream after your run is going to have a negative impact on your body and negate running’s health benefits.
Pay Attention
Finally, pay attention to your body. If you are pushing yourself too hard, then you will have to take more time off to rest and recuperate your strength. If you notice that your body is failing you or that you are exhausted, bring your run to a halt. You shouldn’t push yourself too hard, especially when you are just starting out. If you haven’t exercised in a while, you need to take it slow.
Jogging is a fantastic way to burn fat, strengthen your heart health, and get outdoors. After nearly two years’ worth of lockdowns, we all need to get outdoors and exercise again. Jogging is a great way for you to start.