June 29th Newsletter
We’re baaaackkk!!! Although after the various things we’ve had to deal with this week (including losing my computer, passports and then having my car break down), I think we should have stayed 🙂 Hahaha. But seriously, going to Turks and Caicos with my fam was probably one of the best adventures we’ve done to date – and the memories will definitely last a life time! Or at least the pictures will [for most of us; since Kenzley is likely too young to remember our trip]…
Speaking of pictures: I’ve had multiple people ask me about my Zika concerns while down in the Caribbean and if it was something to worry about in that area, so I want to address this for anyone else who may be traveling abroad this Summer and is worried about Zika as well.
First off, yes, all Caribbean Islands have the potential of spreading Zika and so, if you ask your OB, she will say that she can’t condone you going. With that said, I personally, wasn’t super worried about it being in my Third Trimester and all. Not to say I didn’t go overly prepared with bug bracelets (these are the ones I bought for this trip), and tons of bug spray! If I was in my First Trimester, I honestly may not have gone, but after everything I’ve gone through with my loss last year and being so on edge the entire first half of this pregnancy, I mentally needed this!
And I’m sooo glad I went! Not just because it was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen or because my family and I got to enjoy the beach everyday for 8 days straight – but in regards to the mosquito factor too! I literally only saw a handful the entire time I was there! And trust me, if there was a mosquito in a mile radius, it would have found me! I’m a freakin’ mosquito magnet! And when I get bit, they swell. Not just like your little red, itchy bite that the majority of people get, but generally to quarter-sized, and they seem to last forever! And I didn’t get 1 like this!
The only day I got bit was when we went to go snorkeling at a different beach away from our hotel and I forgot to wear my bug bracelets. And I’m not even sure they were mosquitoes because the bites were tiny; they were probably just sand fleas (not that I like those, but it’s better than a possible Zika-infested mosquito!)
Now I know what you’re thinking… Bug bracelets? Really?! Do those even work?!
I’ll admit I was a skeptic at first too, but after trying them down in Grand Cayman a couple years back and again, only receiving bites the night I forgot to put them on (I wear 1 on my wrist and 1 on the opposite ankle), I’m a believer! I didn’t even use bug spray and still, the bracelets seemed to be enough on their own – which is great! I just brought the spray too for a little extra precaution, because, why not?! I go off the notion of being cautiously optimistic :).
Now that I’m back, I won’t lie and say that Zika hasn’t crossed my mind, much more than once, and yes, I have looked up possible symptoms, chances of getting it, passing the infection to my baby, etc. Thankfully, the numbers work in my favor, being 28 weeks pregnant now, and the chance of my baby getting it, even if I did contract it, is only 4%.
I also don’t have any symptoms and knowing how sensitive my body is to everything, am sure that they would show up full-force if I did have it. And for those curious, Zika syptoms include: rash, mild fever, joint or muscle pain, headache and/or red eyes (conjunctivitis).
So with all that said, for me and my situation, I definitely think it was worth the “risk” of traveling to a potential “Zika hot-zone” while pregnant, but the same may not go for everyone. Definitely weigh the costs/benefits for you and your family and just make sure that you take all necessary precautions if you do decide to go!
I’d also check with the hotel you are staying at and make sure they spray for mosquitoes, and then double up on the bug bands and spray too, just to be safe!
Now on a quick other note: sun exposure is another area that you should be extra mindful towards, whether that be for you or for your littles, and is why I partnered up with Flap Happy to help cover up my children while they were prancing around in the gorgeous turquoise water all day! With SPF 50+ clothing, hats and swimwear, it’s definitely worth looking into! (You can read my ).
I also love my Anita one-piece suit I wore (shown above), even though I haven’t wore a one-piece for 20 years or so – and am not at all opposed to showing off my growing bump when I get the chance 😉 You can read the Anita Maternity and Nursing Lingerie and Swimwear Review, here.
Well that’s it for now! If you want to check out more of our pics from the trip, visit my Instagram feed and Stories and even some upcoming Newsletters, Blogs and Reviews, because you know I can’t help myself but post some more of the adorable images of my sweet littles that we took :).
As always, I want to thank you for being part of our community! We love having you!
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