When it comes to choosing the right shoe, for most people style is a priority. If the shoe doesn’t look good, they don’t want it, no matter how good the quality is or how comfortable it is. Especially when it comes to formal shoes, men and women alike want something that is going to grab attention, look professional and also work great with the rest of their outfit. If only people knew how much of an impact the structure and the quality of the shoe can have on everything from your feet to your neck, they might be more inclined to choose a healthier option.
Another reason for this disregard of the health-related concerns of a shoe is lack of knowledge. Most people aren’t even aware that a slight change in the way their foot is positioned in the shoe or a slight increase in the angle at which their ankle rests while wearing a shoe can have a tremendous impact on joints in the leg, hip, and even spinal column.
If you have ever seen doctors and nurses, waitresses, or even lawyers in their natural environment, you will have noticed that they all prefer to wear comfortable shoes that have a relatively flat base and are made from sturdy material. In the case where a professional is wearing a fancy designer shoe, chances are that under that leather they are also wearing an arch rest or some kind of foot support to help maintain the right footing.
Here are a few reasons why you should pay more attention to your shoes and maybe this is the reason why you can’t get rid of that annoying back pain.
Weight Loss Shoes
Shoes that are supposed to help you lose weight and even tone your body are not a good option. While their ability to help you get a better physique is highly debatable, one thing is for sure, they are great for wearing out your joints faster. This species of footwear relies on some strange technology to help you achieve your fitness goals. While the concept behind the shoes is great in theory, it isn’t that effective in real life.
Some of these shoes are designed with little pods in the soles that are meant to simulate walking on an uneven service that should theoretically engage more muscles in the legs and help you burn more calories throughout the day. Other models have a curved sole with the center of the sole, right under the arch of your foot, bulging out. This causes excessive movement of the ankle and again is meant to increase muscle stimulation. In both these situations, you are placing excessive stress on joints and ligaments and not only experiencing pain while you wear them, but also setting yourself up for serious problems down the line.
Flat Shoes
On the other end of the spectrum are flat shoes: these can include Converse sneakers, basketball sneakers, and even flat flip flops. Even though these are supposed to be good for your feet and overall health, not all flat shoes are designed the same. There are many varieties of flat shoes (so you can go now and find a pair) that are going to neutralize foot-related problems and be comfortable at the same time.
The wrong kind of flat shoes can create problems such as flat feet, osteoarthritis in the knees, inward pronation of the knees and feet, and can even cause tears in tendons if it causes the feet to overstretch. Ideally, you want something that will provide enough support to protect you from these potential problems, but enough flat contact surface that it keeps your foot in a natural position. The right flat shoes will have good cushioning on the inside, they will have a soft step and a flat rubbery surface that will help absorb shocks better.
These are easily one of the most favorite kinds of footwear for ladies of all ages. While men’s shoes do also have a slight heel, it is very different not only in height from the heels that women wear but also in the structure of the shoe. According to a recent survey, nearly 50% of women said they wear heels on a regular basis. In gent’s shoes, the heel is generally less than or equal to an inch, and more importantly, it is a large heel that actually distributes the weight quite evenly across the surface area.
For women, all the weight is usually focused on one small point at the base of the heel and the heel itself is so high that it changes the entire structure of the foot. This influences how they walk, and overall influences everything from their ankle position to their hip position to their spine and even neck. Experts suggest that women should limit heels to 3 inches and should prefer shoes that either have a large heel base or they should at least take a break from wearing them every couple of hours.
Flip Flops
These are casual favorites for both genders. However, these shoes require the person to have their toes scrunched together with each step which has an impact on the overall structure of the foot. You might remember that time when your flip-flops burned your outer shin muscles. This is because of the extra stress on the small muscles from poor foot positioning. Moreover, their open design also means that your foot is constantly moving and changing position and you are placing a lot of stress on the outsides of your foot. These problems also impact the kind of stride a person can take, often shortening the step. This change in walking style also has negative effects on foot and spine health.
The ideal kind of shoe that is going to protect your foot and everything from your ankle to your spine should 1) have good cushioning underneath the sole, 2) should provide a good grip so you aren’t clenching the shoe with your toes, and 3) should provide cover for your foot. Any shoe that exposes your foot too much or requires you to place extra pressure on certain parts of your foot will sooner or later be harmful. While the problem might just be a slightly sore ankle in the beginning, continuous use will have far more serious effects on more sensitive areas such as your spine and hips.