Having blood sugar levels that are too high or too low can be detrimental to your health. However, follow this article below to provide you with tips on how to have healthy blood sugar levels and help you stay healthy!
Try Berberine
Berberine can help you out a lot if you are looking to have healthy blood sugar levels. It can help control blood sugars, but it is important that you talk to your doctor before taking berberine supplements to make sure you’re doing everything right. You should start by talking about how unhealthy blood sugar levels can be and then give a bit of information on what berberine actually does in the body.
Berberine helps keep blood glucose concentration low and has been shown to reduce cholesterol. People who take berberine tend to lose weight more easily than those not taking supplements. A review by lumanutrition shows that berberine also helps support cardiovascular health and overall wellness. With these benefits, it’s an essential part of your blood sugar control diet.
Eat a Diet That is High in Fiber and Low in Sugar
A healthy diet that is high in fiber and low in sugar is one of the most important things that you can do to help your blood sugar levels remain balanced. Fiber takes longer for your body to break down, which means it helps regulate blood sugars throughout the day. It also keeps you feeling full, so it’s easier not to eat sugary snacks between meals or when hunger strikes at odd times during the day.
A well-rounded and nutritious day can begin with oatmeal topped with fruits and chia seeds, followed by a Greek yogurt parfait as a mid-morning snack. Lunch may include a quinoa and vegetable salad, while an afternoon snack can consist of apple slices with nut butter. Opt for grilled chicken with quinoa or brown rice and roasted vegetables for dinner. This meal plan prioritizes fiber-rich foods and minimizes added sugars for a balanced and satisfying nutritional intake. Adjust portion sizes as needed and seek personalized advice from a healthcare professional or nutritionist.
Eat Smaller Portions More Frequently
Instead of eating three large meals a day, try splitting them up into five or six small ones instead. This will keep blood sugars level and make sure they don’t drop too low before lunchtime. Make sure each meal has some protein and healthy fats in it, and drink plenty of water.
Remember to Eat Breakfast Because Blood Sugar Levels Can Drop Overnight!
Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast tend to end up with blood sugars that are higher than average by the end of the day. This is because they haven’t eaten anything for eight hours or more and their blood sugar levels start dropping when there’s nothing fueling them.
Choose balanced breakfasts for stable blood sugar levels, including options like oatmeal with berries and nuts, a vegetable omelette, chia seed pudding, and whole grain toast with nut butter and banana. Also, Greek yogurt parfait, a green smoothie with protein, cottage cheese bowl, and a quinoa breakfast bowl are excellent options. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods, monitor portions, and seek advice from healthcare professionals or dietitians for personalized guidance.
Scrutinize the ingredients and sources of the food, especially if you have an allergy, and to avoid going overboard with your sugar levels. You can discover delicious gluten free oats by GF oats or other reputable brands for a healthier breakfast.
Drink Tea Instead of Caffeine Because It Has Been Linked to Insulin Resistance
Caffeine consumption seems to be on an uptick lately, especially among people who are trying to lose weight. While it may be a quick and easy way to give yourself an energy boost, too much caffeine can cause blood sugar levels to drop drastically.
Here’s a list of foods you should eat:
- Leafy greens
- Berries: blueberries, strawberries, etc.
- Nuts and seeds
- Oatmeal
- Brown rice
- Whole grains: quinoa, brown rice, etc.
- Sweet potatoes
- Dark chocolate: Make sure it’s at least 70 percent cocoa.
Limit Calorie Intake
If you manage your calorie intake to around 1400-1600 calories per day, depending upon your activity level, you will be able to keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range. Many people don’t realize that eating too many calories can lead to having blood sugar levels that are out of control and contribute to weight gain. By limiting your calorie intake each day, it is possible for you to have blood sugars within the normal range so you do not experience the negative side effects associated with high or low blood sugar.
It may seem difficult at first to limit your caloric intake when there are so many unhealthy food options available throughout the day but if you stick with lower-calorie foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, then it will become easier over time. When making meal choices remember that a serving size should be equivalent to the size of your palm and try not to exceed this amount.
Drink Plenty of Water Throughout the Day
A hydrated body is a healthy body. Drinking water is vital for blood sugar levels as it helps people to avoid the risks of diabetes and obesity that come along with not having blood sugar under control. Drinking plenty of it will help you have healthy blood sugar levels, but there are other ways too!
You should also avoid drinking soda or fruit juice daily (or even weekly) because even though they contain vitamins and minerals, both also contain high amounts of sugars which may cause blood sugar spikes if consumed on an empty stomach. Make sure to limit your intake of alcohol since this nutrient has no nutritional value but only adds extra calories into our diets without giving us any strength or energy boost.
Get Enough Sleep Each Night
Sleep is the key to blood sugar levels. If you do not get enough sleep each night, your blood sugar will suffer. You can test whether or not you are getting quality sleep by simply monitoring the length of time it takes for you to fall asleep at night and how many times during the night that you wake up.
By sleeping six to eight hours each night, you will wake up feeling great and ready for the day. If you feel tired during the day, then it’s likely that your blood sugar is suffering due to lack of sleep. Get enough quality sleep per night in order to have healthy blood sugar levels. Your body needs its rest!
Exercise Regularly
If you exercise every day, you are able to maintain blood sugar levels more effectively. This is because exercise helps your body become stronger and better at managing blood sugars naturally, which can make it easier for diabetics to keep blood glucose in their target range throughout the day. Moreover, exercise has also been proven to help lower blood pressure as well as decrease triglyceride level.
However, even people without diabetes should be aware of any type of regular physical activity because even a small amount on most days of the week is needed if they want an overall healthy lifestyle.
Blood sugar levels are something everyone should maintain at all times. Berberine supplements are a great start but you have to eat a good diet while limiting the calorie intake and drink a lot of water throughout the day, as well. Aside from that you should also exercise and sleep a lot to have your energy levels up and running. Good luck living healthier!