If you need to find a way to burn away some of that stress from being stuck at home, then exercising may be just the thing for you. Give your kids some free time while you give yourself some mommy time with a good workout. Though you don’t have to work out to give yourself a “better” body, daily movement will improve your mood and give you a confidence boost. If that’s what you need during this pandemic, take a look at these tips for getting fit and toned at home!
Switch Up Your Workouts
Try switching up your location, elevation, and incline if you typically go on a walk for your workout. If you typically strength train, try HIIT workouts. If you turn to basketball, try a dance class. When you switch up your workouts, you target different muscles in your body. A toned body comes from getting at all those different muscles. Not to mention, it’s a fun way to motivate you!
Get Creative
In that same sense, get creative! You don’t have to use the same weights every day. Maybe you can use kettlebells instead of dumbbells. If you don’t have any weights at home, you can use different items instead of gym weights! It can put welcomed pressure on different areas of your body or help switch up your routine a bit. For example, turn to resistance bands for another great workout that does wonders for toning up your body and targeting different muscles than dumbbells.
Let the Kids Join
If your reason for not getting your workout in is because of the kids, then let them join you! Kids can be just the motivation we need to get our daily movement in. Of course, you’ll have to help them with form and make sure the workout isn’t too intense, but inviting them to participate keeps them healthy and keeps you in shape!
Switch to Healthy Snacking
A fit and toned body doesn’t just come from movement; it also comes from what you put into your body. If you finish your workouts with unhealthy snacks, then you’re not doing yourself as much good. Of course, we all crave some treats or unhealthy snacks now and then, and that’s okay. However, try not to let your snacking consist of only the unhealthy. Do your best to get creative and switch over to some fun and healthy snacking options. There are so many options out there—it doesn’t have to be a plate of plain celery!
Fall into a Routine
One of the best things you can do to stay active is to maintain a routine. If you constantly change what time you work out, then you won’t feel as motivated to get it done. Sticking with a routine will help you to banish some of those pesky excuses we often come up with to limit our exercise.
Remember How Good It Feels
Our last tip for getting toned and fit at home has to deal with motivation. We know things are strange right now and that you may not feel that same motivation to get up and get moving. That’s where we want you to think about how good the movement feels afterward. When you think about ease of mind, a calmer presence, and a stronger body, you have a better chance of getting up!