Adopting a dog could literally be the best gift you ever give them. You give them the chance of a second lease on life and a nice home where they will grow up to be healthy and fulfilled dogs. But there are tons of other benefits to being a dog owner that you may not have considered. Pet ownership, in general, can be a health booster in so many ways, but this is especially so when it comes to dogs. Let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of adopting a dog.
You Get to Build a Bond
One of the biggest health benefits of dogs is that they can be great for people who have trouble building bonds with people. A lot of people feel like having a dog is a great way to beat isolation. As a matter of fact, one study found that 85% of people believe that owning a dog can help fight loneliness.
If you want to build a bond between you, the dog, and other members of your family, there are some extra steps that you can take. One of the simplest could be to check out these unique dog collars from Monro Pets. Unique dog collars and leashes will make both you and the dog look great, and it will encourage your children to take the dog out more often. The unique dog collars from Monro Pets are also some of the best made on the market, so you know your pet will feel comfortable the whole time.
It Could Benefit Heart Health
Another surprising health benefit of owning a dog is that it could help improve the heart health of their owners. It has even been shown that owning a dog can help you live longer. One extensive review that looked at a variety of studies conducted between 1950 and 2019 found that dog owners had a much lower risk of death. Not only that, but it showed that dog owners had a better response to stress and lower blood pressure.
Just living with a dog could make a difference. Those who experience coronary accidents showed an even greater death risk reduction. It has been theorized that the dog-human relationship is able to reduce stress levels in humans, which is one of the highest precursors for heart disease.
They Make You Move
If you have a dog, you’ll have no choice but to get moving. If you usually find yourself feeling lethargic and don’t do anything about it, know that owning a dog can be a great motivator. Dogs also make for great jogging partners.
One British study that was conducted back in 2019 found that people who owned dogs were 400% more likely to meet their daily physical activity requirements than non-owners. It found that dog owners walked more than 3 hours more a week than non-dog owners, which is pretty impressive when you think about it.
Adopting a dog is one of the most beautiful things you could ever do for a living creature. It could also benefit you in more ways than you think.